Monday, March 14, 2011

Are we there yet?!

Sometimes I wonder how my brain really works, really?! I promised not to obsess with Medifast and try to follow it to a perfection. Why? Because it doesnt work for me! Its an excellent program but stress x two jobs x insane hunger patche at night x emotional demons= Medifast in a toilet! So what do I do? Do I finally admit to myself that I am a mature adult and not a stubborn teen who cant think rationally and rather thinks emotionally? No, I try and try and try again and again and again thinking this time is going to be different! And is it? Off course not, because insanity is a mentally retarded cousin of common sense. And I must be insane! I cant go on doing same things to only fail times and time again thinking I can and I will. I cant and I wont, at least for now, at least not in this physiologically and metabolically compromises shape I put my body in.

So I solemnly swear:

1. Not to weigh myself until March 31
2. Continue to eat Medifast meals but supplement it with unlimitted amount of low carb foods, preferably lean and green version
3. Blog more often

Weight= 281.5 pounds

Today I ate:

5 medifast meals= 550 cals: 75 grams protein and 6070 grams of carb minus 20 grams of fiber
10 oz or so grilled chicken with


NewVision said...

VADIM !!!!!!!!

I was up in the wee hours of this morning and thought of you. How are you my friend?

I haven't posted in awhile, sorry about that. But you have all been on my mind.

I'm still fat and sassy but I'm here. LOL
I'm also still struggling with the weight issues and trying to figure out what works for me. So far I haven't found it but I'm still looking. :)

Nice to see you posting. I will try to post more often. :)

Vadim said...

Cool. Its cool to hear you. How are you doing? If it makes you feel any better I gained 60 pounds since I last saw your blogging. But I am not giving up. I believe one day, one day, one day we will combat this demon weight issue. I believe!

Low Carb Daily said...

I started the year at 281.6 I think.

You CAN do this, Vadim! I know it.....

Remember, if you think you can, you CAN! And personally, I KNOW you can! I have done great this past week after a looooong time off the low carb wagon and it's really paying off.


Vadim said...

Thanks Angie, I appreicate your support!

bayoubabe said...

Ha , I did something today on Mind vs. body...

Loved your spin on it though !

How are things going ?

Vadim said...

Not great. But I am back on proverbial wagon agaaaaaain!