Sunday, February 19, 2012

In a land of big dreams lies a hidden power of change!

I just went through my old blog entries as well as other journals and realized that for the past 10 years or so I have been living in a body full of blabber that ranged anywhere from 210 to 280 . As a Chinese proverb goes " big stomach is not a sign of overindulgence but a hidden comfort zone for unaccomplished and unrealized dreams and emotions"! Oh wait.... It wasn't exactly a quote or a Chinese proverb although some of it was, but my own interpretation of human obesity, at least for a lot of people. Somehow we learn at a very young age to use food as a safety net or a security blanket. And when we are stressed or sad or angry or lonely we look for that comfort food to make us feel good. Years pass by and not only those bad habits cripple us psychologically , they are also causing our bodies to be metabolically upside down. Soon after a cascade of other problems arrive such as pre diabetes, high blood pressure, joints problems and so on..... But what even worth is that an obese person who followed on that wrong path becomes so emotionally fragile that he or she stops having big dreams! Nobody abuses you without your permission" once Elleonore Rusevelt said. And she was right. But nobody can hurt us more then we can hurt ourselves! And when that happens we become weak and old and stiff both in our bodies and our thinking. La Tzu once said that flexibility is a companion of life whereas stiffness is a companion of death! I noticed that over the past few years I have become more and more emotionally stiff! And I forgot how to dream big!

Today I weight 270 pounds and that is sad! But............ I am awoken again! I dare again to dream big! God doesn't make junk, humans do! For years I lived within my own mind set limitation. I wanna be free again! So help me God!


SheZug said...

As I said on facebook:

Come to the dark side, I have protein shakes!

Anne H said...

To a person on fire - you are already doing it!

NewVision said...

Hey Friend,
Remember me?
I started a new blog. Come by and see me soon :)

Vadim said...

Lol, I sure do remember you . Ok. I ll check out your new blog

NewVision said...


Rita Elisa Seda said...

Muito bom seu texto levou-me a uma introspecção. Meu self a procura do infinito. Felicidades e a paz!

Unknown said...

Vadim, why have you stopped blogging? Get back here and let us cheer you on!!! If you have fallen off the wagon, don't worry- that wagon comes around again and you can jump back on whenever you want to.

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

This blog is through a nice to meet new people and their land, culture and nature. Come and look at you Teuvo Kuvat - Teuvo images, both at the same time will be my blog collection flag depicting your country's flag to rise higher. You should also tell all your friends to my blog by fermentation. Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland

Vadim said...

Thank you Dory. I am aboutbto restart blogging. Thanknyou so much for encouraging me and cheering me on!

Monte Ashley Mader said...

Hello! My name is Monte! I'm a fellow blogger and a personal trainer and I just wanted to encourage you that our God is so much stronger than any addiction or any struggle we have. I myself lost 90 pounds and you can do anything! keep it up!

Vadim said...

Thanks Monte

Vadim said...

Thanks Monte