Saturday, March 16, 2013

Yesterday was back on the Paleo lifestyle!

Yesterday I got back to the Paleo. It wasn't necessarily hard but the night time always brings appetite and boredom so food becomes more of a head hunger. But I persevered and stuck to it. Although I did eat more then I wanted to, the goal was to stay Paleo and I did it. At least Day 1! Day 2 here we cone. One day at a time! And no scale.......for two weeks at least. It's all about sustaining it and making it a habit so it becomes a lifestyle automatically again.


Low Carb Daily said...

Update!!! We are here!

Vadim said...

Hey, how have you been? I did fail again so decided to do some soul searching. I am going to blog more often for sure. Thanks for stopping by

OnPoint said...

Hi Vadim:

I haven't been here in a long time, but you popped into my head today as I read book reviews on Amazon (see below), so I decided to see what you were up to. Like you, I have been struggling with my weight, though my highest weight was much higher than yours.

I am now doing the "Fast Diet" by Dr. Mosley. If you haven't read about it yet, check it out on Amazon. The diet recommends you, as a man, cut your calories down to 600 twice weekly, both for weight and health reasons. You eat your normal diet the other 5 days. It's actually NOT that hard.

I usually do three low cal days weekly, but not all three are 600. For the past few weeks, I have done a true one day fast (0 cals) once weekly, and I think I will continue doing that maybe twice a month.

I try to do 600-800 cals twice weekly, and I do a third day of about 1200. Most other days, I do 1800-3000.

I'm posting here b/c you seem to be a really emotional eater, and I don't think any plan which deprives you are specific foods you like is going to work very well. But I think you can manage two low cal non-consecutive days weekly. You can do this.

Let us know how you're doing.

Vadim said...

Thank you so much for the info. I ll definitely check it out. I have been missing in action but basically it has been same old story so didn't want to tire anyone listening to the same tune. However, if I do find a way to change my ways I will blog again for sure. Thanks again!