Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bad habits die very hard! But do they ever die?! I guess in my case not!

I had a wonderful fasting Monday day. Felt great and Tuesday came. It wasn't bad at all till night rolled by and all of a sudden I binged again. Came out of the blue and continued today all day long. It's absolutely insane. It feels like it comes on with a vengeance. That's why fasting is kind of easy and clear. And when I start eating I do ok till I eat the wrong food and then all he'll breaks lose. It's like guilt begets binges which begts more guilt and become a vicious circle. And then off course a promised tomorrow thing comes up in a head! Well, tomorrow I am doing an unplanned fast just to undo the crazy garbage feed of today. I have to and I ll do it two days this time because Friday is my planned fasting....Oy Wei!


OnPoint said...

Vadim, I'm so glad you decided to give this plan a try. Don't beat yourself up for falling off the wagon Tuesday night. I assume you broke your fast Tuesday morning or afternoon with a delicious, filling, high fiber meal. (Hint, hint!) Why do you think you fell into a binge?

Either way, having survived one day, you know you can do this only a couple of times weekly. Don't give up.

This week, I wasn't not exactly "on point." I did 870 cals last Sunday and 740 on Thursday, but the other days, I had 2000, 3000, 3000, and 3800. I decided to remind my spirit that I do not have to be eating all the time, so I undertook a full fast (0 cals) yesterday (Saturday). I will get back on track today with 2500.

Tbh, YOU ARE MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN ME. I've been all in for a while now, and the weight is coming off, but I am currently about a 100 lbs heavier than you. The fact that your weight has been consistently in the 260 range for a while tells me you are not as out of control as you believe you are. But I have a sedentary (and stressful) job, which doesn't help. I seem to recall your job at the university being one where you are probably active a lot of your time there.

Kudos and keep up the good work. Since you know you are prone to bingeing, you will have to outwit it by planning menus to cut off the bingeing before it starts.

You can win this.

SheZug said...

You can do this Vadim. Have you thought about why you binge? Believe it or not I still binge. This week was horrible and I know why I binged. Panic, stress, and emotions collided. I do best when I plan my menu and post it on my refrigerator so I can see it and my husband can see it.

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