Saturday, August 8, 2009

Have you guys ever felt confused even on low carb?

Here is a funny joke I hope to translate. I am sure every contry has a region thats made fun of, in Russia it was Georgia. Georgia was southern part of Soviet union sitting high above the sea level in the midst of the beautiful Caucus. Georgians were known for their spicy personalities, love for women and great wine. and very funny toasts, jokes and stories. Here is one I would lie to share with you that illustrates the state of confusion even while being on the low carb lifestyle. damn I still keep saying that word "diet" which I dont mean. it must be still engraved in my subconcsious mind. Ok, now to my joke and my point: A Georgian man talking to another person sitting next to him at the wedding: Hey, i have been to many, many, many weddings but this one is by far the most unusual. Everything is so confusing. I cant even figure out if the bride is he or is it she? The person sitting next to him replies: You damn fool, this bride is my beautiful daughter and if you dont apologize i will personally stick a sharp knife right into your stupid head! I am deeply sorry sais the man, and i didnt know you are the bride's father! I think you truly want to die , I am the bride's mother! Confusions, confusions, confusions! I have recently started researching paleolithic lifestyle again and stumble upon Art Deveny. That man looks better at 71 than I looked at 5. He is doing soemthing right. So I started researching his lifestyle and listening to his interviews, including one he recently did with Jimmy Moore. I like his message. he does advocates a lot of intresting things. I also noticed that few of our beloved bloggers such as Sadekat and Erika started experimenting with modifying their lifestyles in relentless attempt to find a prefect plan. But does it exist? Does a perfect diet exist, does a perfect man or woman exist? I say no, because we are imperfect creatures living in imperfect world! But rather than saying perfect we say the word right! Right man, right woman and right diets do exist! So ita all about finding the right one whatever it might be! I once dated a woman whos voice was deeper than a horse in labor, her strenth was that of the Hercules but her heart was the size of the universe. She was the perfect one for me at that time! So its all relative said my brother einstein and I agree with him!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I got a shoutout! I can't say I am experimenting anymore. Rather, I am concentrating on eating when hungry and stopping when full. Something that probably most people without food issues can do easily. I think taking the focus off of DIET and FOOD have really helped me. Now if I could just remember to get on the scale and see what progress I have made all will be good. I feel free and relaxed now about food instead of stressed out and craving.

Harry/JP said...

Confusion? It's a constant in my life. :-) Not so much about LCing though. The topic of diet and health is however a never-ending learning experience. And I certainly agree that all food plans need to take into account our individual personalities and requirements ... which often change with time.

Me said...

Thanks for the shoutout! I'm still experimenting, finding what's "right" lol. I don't think I go through thaaat much confusion though. Just every now and then and then I get back onto the trial and error trail and keep on going.

I actually find it interesting most of the time and only frustrating a small portion of the time.

What about you?

kerry said...

Thanks guys for jumping in and sharing your thoughts. Erika, I m still experimenting, researching and looking. Havent found a right woman or the right job or the right life for that matter. But I am not giving up!

Me said...


Vadim said...

lol, its a mystery for me too Erika. I logged under my name and it came out Kerry. Have absolutely no clue how it had happened.

Harry/JP said...

In some parts of the world, Kerry is used interchangeably with Vadim.

Jesting of course! Maybe something quirky was up with Blogger or something.

There's probably someone named Kerry who's wondering why his/her replies are showing up as being from Vadim?

Hope you're doing reasonably well, Mr. V. Thinking about you and wishing you and yours all the best.

Harry/JP said...

Stopping by to send my best!

Hope to you SEE you soon. Hint. Hint.

No pressure though. :-)

Unknown said...

I am coming soon, really! Thanks Harry!

Jade said...

Just checking in to say hi, vadim. I am experimenting, too. I lost weight (50 pounds) on a low calorie, relatively low carb (you do get fruit) plan in 2007 so it worked for me. I am trying that again right now. jade