Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just an update!

I will be back soon updating my blog. I have failed Medifast few times, however I am back at it again and I know it will be here to stay. I love the program. First few days are rough but then it gets easier. Its all a mental game. Today is my day 3 back and so far so good. I even managed to ride through it while going through very emotional stress at work. Usually I dont survivie those moments without some kind of pure poison indulgement. So I am optimistic! Even with all of my failures I still havent gained while being on and off Medifast. I managed to keep off 7 pounds weight loss for a month almost while going crazy on junk for days in a row and when I say going crazy I mean it. To the point where I literally made myself sick eating cookies, ice cream, pizza and fried rice. My high are usually low nowadays and my low are usually so low that I see Hell from there! Anyway, I am still keeping positive attitude. Call me crazy , but I know I will be successful!

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