Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shake, shake, shake! What am I going to do with you!

I am still contemplating the direction of my nutrition journey at this moment. I mean its pretty straightforward as a long term goal. My long term goal is to eat low carb mediterenean lifestyle, that is plenty of fish, vegetables, nuts and seeds, olive oil, low carb berries and some dairy in the form of cottage cheese. I have never been much of a meat person or milk drinker or cheese enthusiast. I completely dont care for red meat. Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy a nice, juicy meat steak once in a while, but it is very once in a while. I mostly eat fowl when i crave meat. But for the time being I am going to implement all of the above plus one or two shake here or there. I bought an insane amount of whey and eggwhite protein powders. I do love protein shakes as well. So at this moment I will just play mix and match to see if my symptoms will subside or go away. Thats the plan!


Anonymous said...

I knew someone who turned out to be have celiac disease and had been misdiagnosed as having IBS. Have you ever thought to get tested for that? I hope you figure out whats going on. I make protein shakes all the time with just protein powder and coconut milk and strawberries or peanut butter! Very yummy and never painful on the stomach, and I AM lactose intolerant, and allergic to wheat and gluten (though not celiac) if I ate what normal people eat, bread and pasta and milk...I'd be sick all the time!

Vadim said...

I have never been allergic to lactose, ever. Thats why its weird. I am inclining to believe it might have to do with lack of fiber since I didnt eat much vegetables with my one meal at all. So it was basically lots of protein, not much fat and very little fiber. I will start adding more vegetables in the mix and hope it goes away. Thanks Nancy!

Low Carb Daily said...

Mixing and matching sounds like a good idea.

I need to do the same thing...

Low Carb Daily said...

How is this going for you? Miss your daily updates!

Vadim said...

I havent been feeling good lately, but I will resume bloggin tonight. Thanks for checking in!