Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday's menu!

4 am-
Salad ( cucumbers, tomato and olive oil ) 3 teaspoon of almond butter= 530 calories

8 am-
2 teaspoon of almond butter= 180 calories

11 am--
4 miles walk

1 pm
2 eggs with 1 can sardines, 1 teaspoon almond butter, 1 clove of garlic and 1 teaspoon of fish oil= 550 calories

4 pm-
1.5 scoop of chocolate whey protein shake with 8 oz of almond milk( diamond almond breeze) and 1 cup of unsweetened green tea with blueberry and pomegranate flavor= 220 calories

8 pm-
1 scoop of chocolate whey protein shake with 8 oz of almond milk( diamond almond breeze) and 1 cup of unsweetened green tea with blueberry and pomegranate flavor= 160 calories

1 hour of weight training!

10 pm-
1 scoop of chocolate whey protein shake with 8 oz of almond milk(
diamond almond breeze) and 1 cup of unsweetened green tea with blueberry and pomegranate flavor, 1 packet of stevia= 160 calories

12 pm-
1 scoop of chocolate whey protein shake with 8 oz of almond milk( diamond almond breeze) and 1 cup of unsweetened green tea with blueberry and pomegranate flavor, 1 packaet of stevia= 160 calories

Total calories= 1980 calories
Total carbs= 35 grams of carbs
Protein=160 grams

Total weight= Coming up on Monday morning!

Ok. I made it through second day of low carb shakes and one meal only plan. If anything else I know i can do it, but am taking it one day at a time! Today I kind of gotten a short end of the stick when it came to quality sleep. I was up every hour to go where Presidents go by themselves. It was kind of scary! I guess the ketones were challenging my kidneys and played ping pong with my bladder! So very little sleep. Other then that it was tolerable! I did squeeze a bit of exercise today, even though I was supposed to start training next week and let my body adopt to this new founded protein shake diet. But I saw a beautiful girl in the weight room who needed to spot her and the rest is history. Not with the girls, but with a work out. I did join in on a parade and did some ass whooping and chest pumping routine. I am kind of paying for it now. I feel like my head actuaLLY HAS SOMETHING INSIDE, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A WHILE IT FEELS HEAVY! wish me strength guys, I want to do it at least for two weeks, the plan is 6 weeks!

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