Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back to the basics!

I could analize, micromanage and dissect my failures recently, but I wont. I will keep it simple, I screwed up royally. And as usual it all starts with one meal, one weigh in or one good opinion of another person! No reason to do damage control by yaping my mouth. Those who followed my blog know how good I am at times yaping my mouth! I can only say that I am not giving up! It has been tough, it has been rough, but it is always been within my grab to do it right! I never blame anyone for my failures and this time is no different! I know what I did wrong! The biggest mistke I made was not sticking to the basics and trying to run before mastering the walk! I have always had a trouble closing a loop, weather it is my relationship at work, on personal front or with food! So without further yaping, here is a recipe and a plan for attacking my demons!

1. Throw away scale, and weigh only on monthly basis!
2. Eat until being satisfied, not stuffed!
3. Exercise!
4. Eat basic low carb variety such as: eggs, vegetables, berries, nuts and seeds, fish and paultry: occasional meat ( not a big meat eater here); dairy; shirataki noodles and occasional sugar-free chocolate and candy!
5. Blog daily, success or failures!

And always appreciate the support of my fellow bloggers!


NewVision said...

Glad to see you back around.

Your plan sounds like a good one. You can do this, believe it.

Stay strong.

Harry/JP said...

I'm a big fan of simple plans. That's always been the basis of any of my successes.

I think your list of guidelines is a strong foundation for you to achieve your goals.

You have the strength and the resources to change your life for the better, Vadim. Your life can become more like you want it to be. I'm convinced of that. :-)

Take it as slow as needed. Allow one good decision to build upon the next.

Vadim said...


x said...

Sounds like a very sensible plan, good luck :)